Notes on Bespin’s Model and Cursor Positions
I am writing this so that I will remember (as I have forgotten some of the things here before). However, since others may find it useful, and since I’d really like any double-checking I can get, I am...
View ArticleDojo, Profiling, and Function Names
Since we are using Bespin for a new web project we are working on, it is only natural that we use the Dojo Toolkit as well. But we have had some issues with dojo.declare(). In short, when using...
View ArticleDolores & Cornelius, Sitting in a Tree. Of Comet, Orbited and Python.
I’ll give you a moment to allow you to get that disturbing image out of your head. I have been working on a web application. I’ll hopefully be able to post the application soon. I needed the server to...
View ArticleRunning Orbited (or other Twisted Services) as a Windows Service
It took me awhile to figure out how to run Orbited and Dolores as Windows Services. Unfortunately, while I love Mac, almost every other computer at my workplace is Windows, including the servers. When...
View ArticleSprouting—Automated Spriting for SproutCore
Well. Spriting. Do you know what it is? While I’ve included a very brief summary, you may want to just skip that part if you already know about it, or find a better description of the technique. Also,...
View ArticleJavaScript Animation Benchmarks
I’ve been working on a mixin to add animation to SproutCore views. The current version only works for layout properties, and does not yet work for centerX and centerY properties (they used to work, but...
View ArticleMaking SproutCore Objects Show in Chromium’s Heap Profiler
It’s a hack. If Chromium+v8 would just support displayName, it could all be nice and clean and part of SproutCore (please go tell the Chromium folks how helpful this would be). As it is, this hack...
View ArticleFor the Love of a Deity, Please Prove Me Wrong: IE Alpha
Please no. Just, no. I mean, honestly, how far can IE sink? I really hope I am wrong here, but… If you check my test case, you may notice that it looks different in Internet Explorer than it does in...
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